
a., adj., adjective
acc., accusative
art., article
asp., aspirated
c., consonant
C., Comharradh, Comharraidhean
compar., comparative
con., cons., consonant, consonants
conj. conjunction
d., dat., dative
dg., deug
(-er) the Engl. comparative suffix
emph., emphatic
f., fem., femininine
f., fh., fichead, fhichead
g., gen., genitive
g.d., genitive and dative
g.v., genitive and vocative
ind., indeclinable
interj., interjection
interrog., interrogative
irr., irregular
L.Sc., Lowland Scots
m., masc., masculine
n., noun
nf., noun feminine
nm., noun masculine
nom., nominative
num., numeral
obj., objective
part., particle
pass., passive
phr., phrase
pl., plur., plural
pnf., proper noun feminine
pnm., proper noun masculine
poss., possessive
poss.pron., possessive pronoun
prep., preposition
prep.pron., prepositional pronoun
pron., pronoun
Provl., provincial
s., sing., singular
sv., substantive verb.
t.t.q., times the quantity
unasp., unaspirated
v., vow., vows., vowel, vowels
va., verb active
v.a., verb-adjective
vn., verb neuter
v.n., verb-noun
v.,voc., vocative
(-), subject of the verb